Eco church

Action is needed urgently to restore and protect the environment, and to safeguard the future of life on earth. We are committed to care for God’s world through our services and communications, through the way church buildings and land are managed, through engaging with the local community and in global campaigns, and through our own personal lifestyles.

Four members of the Eco group after a litter picking session on a damp day

This is what we have done so far:

  • Caring for God’s world is a focus for prayers, talks and songs in church services
  • 100% of the electricity we use is green, from UK-based renewable sources
  • Following an energy audit, we’re aiming to improve energy efficiency
  • We have recently designated a wildlife area where we are letting the grass grow longer, and installed log piles for insect habitats.
  • We’re a Fairtrade Church, committed to supporting and promoting Fairtrade in the church and the community
  • We encourage better lifestyles through our weekly bulletin and monthly online “Read All About It”.
  • We have set up a recycling point in the parish centre for certain items that can’t go in our kerbside recycling spectacles, toothpaste tubes, blister packs.
  • We received an Eco Church Bronze Award to recognise the progress we made in 2023 and went on to achieve the Eco Church Silver Award in 2024.
  • And we have plans for lots more!

For more information on how all the churches in our diocese are responding to the environmental crisis, see Environmental action – Diocese of Oxford (

Bug hotel and logs in our churchyard